to develop new technologies & sustainable solutions
next-gen researchers, extension officers & farmers
farmers to be profitable & sustainable
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE) is a leading Fisheries University with a distinguished heritage and nurtures many illustrious scholars and leaders. In 60 years of existence, CIFE has emerged as a centre of excellence for higher education in fisheries and allied disciplines. Know More
CIFE has carried out pioneering R&D work in inland saline aquaculture especially at its Rohtak Centre since the 1980s. Under NAHEP-CAAST Project on “Developing Energy Efficient and Environment-Protective Aquaculture Technologies for Degraded Soils”, CIFE aims to become a centre of excellence in inland saline aquaculture through cutting edge research with an objective to create wealth from waste. Know More
Project Components
ICAR-CIFE : NAHEP partnered project on INLAND SALINE AQUACULTURE has four major components
(1) Technology Development (2) Pedagogy (3) Academy-Industry Interface (4) ICT for development. Technology development component has got 8 subcomponents with each focusing to develop suitable technologies for sustainable inland saline aquaculture.
Events and training are part of the CIFE-NAHEP project to exchange ideas and impart skills to the stakeholders. Many of them now converted into online events due to COVID-19. Participate to learn.
CIFE-NAHEP Project Timeline